Mc-cain style Crispy chili garlic Potato bites | How to make easy chili garlic potato bites in Mc-cain style at home |
In this article you can find the detailed video of this recipe and you can follow me on youtube for further detailed video of new recipes. This crispy chili garlic potato bites is a simple , easy, delicious and spicy snack or starter liked by everyone especially kids. This recipe can made with few ingredients, which are available at your kitchen. Here I am going to share the spicy and tempting crispy chili garlic potato bites in Mc-cain style. When we are going to bye small packet of Mc-cain , that is very expensive and not hygenic also. Why I said not hygienic? The reason is we don't know about the preparation and quality of potatoes and spices. The packaging process and the workers also need to hygiene but we can not know about the hygiene process. ...